Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It has arrived finally

Well I did finally receive the replacement waist band and string yesterday and only two months late!  So I think this process that started in May of last year has finally concluded.  Note to everyone considering a chastity belt from Carrara.  Although I've heard this is a issues with many of the belt makers, which is to bad since they want to charge so much for the belts.   

An initial fit of the belt tells me this is a big improvement over what I had and should be very secure.  Now comes the long process of bending the belt to fit perfectly and minimise pressure points.  This is difficult on the Carrara because the metal they use is so thick and I do not have the cool little tools that they used to bend or the experience they have when I was first fitted.  It looks like some attempt was made to do some pre-bending which was nice and probably means I only need some minor tweaking here and there.  Hopefully by the start of next week or the following I will do the week long test and give the full report on the belt.  Stay tuned.   

1 comment:

  1. This thread seems to have dried up. That's a pity, as I like the look of the newer Concept belt design, and I was pondering getting one. I have the older model, shown on Walter's web site, but I regret I've outgrown it, and there just isn't much 'give' in these modern materials. Any update, even if it's just 'I got bored of trying to accommodate the thing' (which was really my early experience) would be welcome. I've tried several other products, and Walter's is easily the best.
