Sunday, January 16, 2011

Finally some Contact

Just when I had given up hope of ever hearing from Walter again he contacts me from out of the blue.  He told me that the new waist band and string are shipping out on Monday.  Hopefully I'll have it by the end of the month or shortly there after.  After I recieve it and do some bending to get the fit right I'll do the proper review that I promised. 


  1. That's good news. Did you buy any options with the belt? I used to own a Carrara belt but was forced to sell it. I had the spikes insert. It was pretty intense and very effective.

  2. Hello Fred, I don't have any options. I was going to try to get the front dildo option (I figured my wife would like that) but when I went to Chicago they didn't have it available in the model I wanted so I went with the basic set up. Were you able to wear your belt long term?

  3. Hi Hunter. Yes, after some adjustment I was able to wear it pretty much non-stop. Glad to hear you finally got the parts you were waiting for.

    Will your wife be your keyholder? Mine was. I hope I can buy the belt back again when we get some money.
