Saturday, December 15, 2012

More My-Steel Details

I want to give props to My-Steel for there customer service so far they really have been a refreshing change over my last experience.  Every time I have e-mailed them they have responded within 24 hours Petra has been very nice.  I don't think everything I have asked has translated well but they have been on top of things.  So I'm sure they will deliver the belt on time which will be nice.  After I ordered and paid for the belt they sent me information on the measurements need and how to measure.  They could have been a bit more detailed but they were pretty straight forward.  Waist measurement with a tight belt, crotch measurement from one side of the belt through the legs to the other side, from the the front of the belt to the penis, form the penis the the anus, from the anus to the belt in back that was about it.  Pretty easy.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Back from the Dead

Well most of you had probably thought this blog was dead and indeed it was, however, I have some new developments that should it back to life.  So it's alive, alive!  First things first, so what happened with the Carrara belt.  Well even after the months of waiting, and all the aggravation of trying to communicate with them and driving to meet them and finally getting new parts in the mail the belt still didn't work!  I believe this version has a design flaw which I don't think can be fixed.  The belt relies on sitting above the hips, it then plunges down and locks into part of the belt that has the tube and the protector.  The problem is you can't really get it tight enough to prevent pulling one side over the hip then the other side.  Once that happens the belt is no longer tight against the genitals and if it is not tight well you can guess what can be done.  I should mention that this is with the belt really really tight, in fact so tight that you cannot even go a day in the belt with out nasty red marks, real pain, etc.  I wasn't even going to attempt trying to contact carrara again to see if something could be done to fix it after the painful experiences I've had with them in the past.  So I sold the belt.  I hope it worked for who ever bought it.  Maybe it just was my body type or maybe that particular model has flaws and other ones work fine, but I didn't see this working for me.

New Beginning

So why am I writing this?  Well I thought my journey to find a good belt was over, however, I thought I'd give it another try.  I thought I would try a different maker and a different type and see if my results are different as well.  So who did I chose?  Well after quite a bit of research I choose MY-STEEL.  Why them well it really came down to them or Neo-steel.  All of the others companies either would be too complicated to get or seemed like they are semi out of business or I have heard horror stories about getting belts from them.  The two big reasons I went with MY-STEEL is that their belts are slightly adjustable and I have heard and so far have experienced excellent customer service.  I knew I wanted a belt that fit on the hip rather than on top, like the carrara, but I liked that the carrara had some adjustment possibility.  So does the MY-STEEL, in my case I ordered the Total hip design, which as two adjustment points.  I just ordered it yesterday probably will get it in about a month (another excellent aspect of my-steel).  So will this one work?  We'll have to wait and see, however so far the experience has been good.  My next post I'll tell you more about the ordering experience.