Monday, January 28, 2013

A Game to Play

One interesting thing about using a chastity belt is the behavior modification aspect of it.  In a way that is what a belt does it changes behavior.  So I was interested if you could use a belt to change other behaviors as well as the obvious.  One thing I came up with is the following game that my wife and I am currently playing.   

This game is real interesting especially since I need to get my motivation up to lose some weight and I figured a way to incorporate the belt into that.  The idea was that we could set a weight loss goal for me, lets say to lose 2 or 3 pounds a week.  As long as I accomplish the goal I wouldn't have to wear the belt .  If I didn't lose the weight then I would have to wear the belt until the next weigh in and of course that would mean no orgasm or stimulation for me, but even more important the belt would be a constant reminder of what I was trying to do, which was lose weight.  This needed a bit of thought since I would need to exercise and exercise with the belt on is not really doable, but we were able to come up with something that worked for both of us.  I figured that if this is successful maybe it would start a new weight loss craze (lol).   

So we started this and the first week I lost enough weight so I didn't have to wear the belt.  The second week however started good but the weekend we went out I drank and snacked a bit too much and I didn't lose enough so Now I have to wear the belt until the weigh in next Monday.  So today has been interesting I can really say that the belt is a constant reminder not to eat.  Also it got quite uncomfortable today but i was stuck so I think it is providing me with motivation to not have to go through this again next week.  

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