Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The concept behind male chastity has always intrigued me. I have tried a few different devices here and there and used them with limited success. I stared this blog to be a resource for others who are interested in the topic and to provide a honest, straight forward review of whether it is really possible to wear a chastity belt 24/7 and still go about your daily life and most importantly does a chastity belt do what it says it is going to do; keep someone chaste. There are other reviews out there but I believe most of these are more fantasy then fact. I am going to give people straight talk about the problems and successes. I believe people should know the good and the bad before spending up to $1500 on one of these devices.

The belt that I am going to review for this blog is what I believe to be the best one on the market today the Carrara Concept belt: The belt I have is their new carrara model and not pictured on their website yet, but it their top of the line model. I was impressed with the engineering that went into these belts and when a opportunity came about to get it fitted in person when Carrara came to Chicago, I decided to jump on it.

By the way, if there is another manufacture out there who reads this and thinks their belt is better and would like me to do a fair and impartial comparison and review I would certainly do that.

So what are my expectations going into this? Well to be honest while I always wanted to find belt that really would work and I could wear 24 hours a day. I didn’t really think it was possible, so call me a skeptic. To be a successful chastity belt here was what it needed to do:

1. Be comfortable enough to wear 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I knew this wasn’t going to be like wearing underwear, but I had to be able to move normally, without pain or pressure points. I need to be able to go to the bathroom in it and keep it moderately clean while on so there are no hygiene issues. It needs to be able to be worn discretely.

2. It has to be secure and prevent masturbation and orgasm. This is the point right?

3. It has to be built to last. If you spend that much money on a belt you want to know that you can rely on it holding together.

4. Good customer service. Since this is such and expensive item, and there is probably a lot of customization that needs to take place, the manufacture needs to be a resource to ensure success.

So how has Carrara done so far with my expectations? Well stay tuned for my next blog and I will tell you.  Here are some pictures of the belt.